Positively Positive: How to shield yourself from negativity…whatever it takes

Whatever it takes – Imagine Dragons
Whatever it takes
Cause I love the adrenaline in my veins
I do whatever it takes
Cause I love how it feels when I break the chains
Whatever it takes
Yeah take me to the top, I’m ready for
Whatever it takes

Positive people bring sunshine into our lives. They light up the room and bring joy wherever they go. Everybody looks forward to connecting with them and engaging with them. They make you feel like you matter.

We also know people who always seem to have a negative response to everything. When you ask them how they are or if they had a good weekend or any other general question, the answer is always something negative.

They go on about how terrible everything is, or they blame the traffic, the weather, people and anything and everything they encountered along the way. Soon you find yourself sympathizing with them and agreeing with them and, before you know it you get sucked in to their energy and begin to feel miserable.

So, how do you protect yourself and shield yourself from the negativity?

There are a few things you can do. I find that if I think of a few things that I’m grateful for when I first wake up, I prepare myself and wire my brain to be positive for the rest of the day.

If you meditate, practice yoga, exercise or journal, those are great ways to begin your day. Remember to continue to focus on all the things you are grateful for as you go about your day.

It takes practice to train your brain and wire it to be more positive if you typically are anxious and worry about things in general. Once you begin focus on the positive and notice all the things you have to be grateful for, you’ll find that you begin to attract positive people and events into your life.

Whatever you look for you’ll find, so if you believe that you’re unlucky or everything seems to go wrong in your life, consider changing the way you look at things and you’ll find that when you change your perception, you change what you attract.

For those who like lists, here are some tips for attracting positivity into your life:

1. First thing in the morning, think of something that you’re grateful for, then another and another…
2. Take three deep breaths
3. Stop watching/listening to the news first thing in the morning
4. Drink a glass of water and imagine the liquid healing your internal organs as it goes down
5. When taking a shower, imagine all your worries being washed away
6. When walking out your front door, imagine a protective armour over your body, protecting you from any external harm or negativity
7. Before you go to sleep, think of at least one thing you’re proud of that you did that day or re-live a compliment that you received from someone
8. Make sure you get enough sleep every day, reduce stress by practicing mindfulness, move throughout the day, eat healthy most of the time and do something fun each day. Remember we all have the same 24 hours each day, the choice is up to you what you do with it
9. Pick up a stone and keep it close to you, whenever you touch it or notice it, think of something you are grateful for…the more grateful you are, the more things you’ll get to be grateful for!
10. There are all types of groups/meet-ups that you can find online. Find something that interests you and spend time with like-minded people and people with different perspectives

Change the way you interact with anyone that is wired to respond negatively. Instead of asking them how they are and then listening to their response about how terrible everything is, compliment them and help them focus on something positive.

I find that something as simple as telling them that I love the colour that they’re wearing or how nice it was to see their post on social media…kids, pets, events etc. makes a big difference in their response. It helps them focus on the positive and also protects me from the negative responses I would normally receive from them.

Life is too short to let others get you down. Stop waking up each morning wishing you were living a different life. Enjoy each moment and be grateful for what you have. If you have a roof over your head, food to eat and clothes to wear, you’re better off than a lot of people on this planet.

Take the first step to live your best life. Find yourself a life coach or a reputable Certified Consulting Hypnotist to begin your journey. Do whatever it takes to live life to the fullest.

If you need help or for more information, please check out www.mindvasana.com