I heard it through the grapevine

“Ooh-ooh, I heard it through the grapevine
Not much longer would you be mine
Ooh-ooh, I heard it through the grapevine
And I’m just about to lose my mind
Honey, honey, yeah

You know that a man ain’t supposed to cry
But these tears, I can’t hold inside
Losin’ you would end my life, you see
‘Cause you mean that much to me”

I heard it through the grapewine – Marvin Gaye

Life can be full of rejections and although painful in the moment, they usually turn out to be for the best because they teach you lessons that you needed to learn.

When you look back at your life, you will realize what you once thought was rejection was really protection. Whether it was rejection in love, or a dream job or dream house that fell through, it ended up taking you through a different path which you probably did not anticipate.

It is best to try not to let your past, blackmail your present, to ruin a beautiful future. Think of these as life lessons instead of rejections.

You may have thought you found the dream partner and it was going to be forever, but people go through different experiences and change and outgrow each other. Some stay on in the marriage because of the kids, finances, beliefs or a million other reasons.

There is no perfect person and there is no right or wrong because we only see things from our beliefs and our perceptions. Whatever environment and society you grew up in, created certain beliefs which from your perspective became the right one and that is how you judged the situation.

In hindsight you learn that no one can make you happy and there is no one person that can be everything to you.

I remember this great dialogue in a Hindi movie called “Dear Zindagi” (Dear Life) where Kiara asks Dr. Khan if there was such a thing like a perfect relationship…one soul mate? His response…

“Why just ONE soul mate..

You can have a perfect Coffee soul mate with whom you enjoy having coffee,
you can have a perfect Gossip soul mate with whom you share the day’s gossip,
you can have a Musical soul mate with whom you share and enjoy the same taste in music..
you can have an Intellectual soul mate, with whom your intellect level matches and you can discuss ideas and thoughts easily..
you can have a Romantic soul mate, with whom you share a romantic relationship.
Why put the burden of so many emotions on ONE relationship!”

Rejections faced when starting out in your chosen career path can sometimes be a blessing. You may have gone to school to study to be an engineer or an accountant but were unable to get a job in your field, so you took the first job offer that came your way to pay the bills. You realized that you loved what you were doing and made a career out of it.

You may have been laid off from your job and struggled for months before finding something that you had not ever considered as a job option. In those moments of helplessness, staying positive is hard but the only thing to do because what you think about, you bring about.

When you think negative thoughts about something or someone, you attract the very same negative energy and vibration for yourself. When you are grateful, positive and happy, you attract more of the same for yourself.

The simplest yet the hardest thing to do is to stay in the present. You only feel anxiety and fear when you are thinking of the past or when you worry about the future.

In this moment you are safe so every time your mind wanders to the past or future, consciously bring it to the present because your present is going to create the future that you want.

Keep practicing this and one day you will notice you are a different person, more at peace, happier and not needing to control everything. Living life becomes easier when you let go of attachment to the past or the future or even a situation or a person. You have everything in you to know what you need, to live the life that you want to live.

“You can’t change your past. The only thing you can change is your perspective of your past!” – Dr Jeffrey L Gurian

“The biggest problem any of us ever face is our own negative thinking.” – Robert Schuller

“Negative thinking definitely attracts negative results.” – Norman Vincent Peele

“One cannot be prepared for something while secretly believing it will not happen.” – Nelson Mandela

“You cannot have a positive life and a negative mind.” – Joyce Meyer

“It is never too late to be what you might have been.” — George Eliot