Secrets that you keep

Blog by: Lata Advani Viseu

“I hear the secrets that you keep
When you’re talkin’ in your sleep
I hear the secrets that you keep
When you’re talkin’ in your sleep
When I hold you in my arms at night
Don’t you know you’re sleepin’ in a spotlight
And all your dreams that you keep inside
You’re tellin’ me the secrets that you just can’t hide”

Talking in your sleep – The Romantics

What secrets are you keeping?

Do you have any secrets in your past that you are hiding? Are you ashamed of something or do you feel responsible for or guilty about something?

Feelings of shame, guilt, fear, anger which have not been acknowledged and resolved can make you sick. “You’re only as sick as the secrets that you keep” – Sophie Gregoire.

Your emotions can affect your body as well as your mind. If you have unresolved feelings or trauma, they can manifest into physical symptoms.

Almost everyone has kept a secret, but will revealing it always relieve the burden?

Not always but storing it in your body is not the way to deal with secrets.

Suppressed emotions can cause anxiety, depression and other stress related diseases. Some people may turn to drugs or alcohol to numb the pain.

Whatever your preference, it is important to feel the emotions, acknowledge what you feel and find ways to resolve them before they create any autoimmune diseases.

Studies have shown that psychological and physical stress have been implicated in the development of diseases. When you experience a lot of stress, your body releases stress hormones which can cause inflammation and weaken the immune system.

There are many ways to release pain. Some people may find that writing their feelings in a journal or having a good cry helps. Other may find punching a bag, running, swimming, dancing or talking to a friend or therapist or just plain screaming into a pillow helps. In some cases, seeking professional help makes a lot of sense.

Not all secrets are bad. If you do have secrets that bring back happy memories, feelings of joy, enjoy them and go back to that happy place often because those feel-good hormones can also affect your mind, body and emotions in a positive way.

In conclusion, while secrets are a natural part of life, it’s essential to discern which ones to keep and which to release. By doing so, we can navigate a path toward emotional wellness and a healthier, more fulfilling life.

“You’re only as sick as the secrets that you keep” – Sophie Gregoire.

“When a secret is revealed, it is the fault of the man who confided it.” –Jean de La Bruyère

“If you reveal your secrets to the wind, you should not blame the wind for revealing them to the trees.” – Khalil Gibran

“It is the confession, not the priest, that gives us absolution.” – Oscar Wilde

One thought on “Secrets that you keep

  1. Pauline says:

    Dear Lata. Thank you for your thoughts once again. For me it is as Oscar Wilde said: that it is confession that absolved us. But that is not all. It is repentance and restitution (inasmuch as is possible) that will bring about full absolution. God bless

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