Time takes it all

“Time takes it all, whether you want it to or not.”– Stephen King

If you look back at all the times in your life, all that you’ve been through…the good, the bad and the ugly… nothing stayed the same forever, everything changed. Nothing lasts forever.

There were many times when you wanted the moment to last forever but it came to an end. Things changed, people changed, circumstances changed. Nothing lasts forever.

Then there were times in your life when you thought, it couldn’t get worse or that you couldn’t take it anymore, where you wanted to end it all because the pain was too hard to bear. You look back now and realize you survived. It came to an end. Nothing lasts forever.

There are many things we cannot control, certain circumstances, how other people act or how and when our time is up. The only thing we can control is how we see things, our thoughts and what we choose to do.

The mind is so powerful, when you let go of negative emotions attached to traumatic or painful events in your life, you can move ahead and lead a happier life.

Find yourself a good hypnotherapist who can help you with letting go of negative emotions (ingrained deep in your subconscious/unconscious mind), so that you can live your best life. It’s never too late!



Why oh why do you beat yourself up

Hey, don’t write yourself off yet.
It’s only in your head you feel left out or looked down on.
Just do your best, do everything you can
And don’t you worry what the bitter hearts are gonna say.
Jimmy Eat World Lyrics – “The Middle”

When you do or say something that you wish you hadn’t, do you ever play it out over and over in your head?

How often do you call yourself names and relive what happened, play by play? How could I be such an idiot! I’m so stupid, I should have kept my mouth shut etc. etc.

You’re not alone, three friends in the last week, admitted to me that they beat themselves up every time they think they’ve made a mistake and, they relive the incident over and over again in their mind.

We’ve all done that to some extent and, until someone brings it to our attention, we continue to do so.

This gets you in a negative state and everything seems to go wrong around you. Your negative thoughts bring about other negative situations.

So, how can you change that? Here are some thoughts to consider the next time you begin to beat yourself up.

  1. Ask yourself, if a friend made the same mistake, what would I say to him/her?
  2. What’s the worst that could happen now that the mistake is made?
  3. Tell yourself, no one is perfect, not even the person you think is perfect!
  4. Everyone makes mistakes, how can you learn from it?
  5. Will this matter 5 years from now?
  6. How many people really care or are thinking about this mistake that you made? People have their own issues and are thinking about their own problems!
  7. Keep a journal and write down positive things that people have said about you and keep adding to it all the time.
  8. Write down positive things you did or said that made you happy.
  9. Every time you have a negative thought, feel it and then replace it with a positive thought.
  10. Start using positive words when you speak and write.
  11. Subscribe to tut.com and you’ll get a positive “Notes from the Universe” message – Mike Dooley (TUT – thoughts become things)
  12. Ask yourself Tony Robbin’s Jedi mind trick question – “What’s great about this situation you’re not seeing right now?”
  13. Remember, when you change your thoughts and beliefs, you change your life.

As Vishen Lakhiani says, question the “brules” (bullshit rules) that you were taught when you were growing up. You can change your views about anything, anytime!

Change the way you think and start your journey to becoming the real you, to live a happy life. You cannot change the past but you can focus on the present, to have a happier future.

“I just want you to know that you’re very special… and the only reason I’m telling you is that I don’t know if anyone else ever has.”
― Stephen Chbosky,  The Perks of Being a Wallflower

If you were born to be a beautiful lotus, don’t try to be a magnolia

“To be beautiful means to be yourself. You don’t need to be accepted by others. You need to accept yourself. When you are born a lotus flower, be a beautiful lotus flower, don’t try to be a magnolia flower” – Master Buddhist Thich Nhat Hanh

Blog by: Lata Advani Viseu

Another year coming up and another opportunity to get it right this time.

We’re always learning and growing…becoming the person we were meant to be whether we realize it or not.

The sooner you decide to be you, the happier you’ll be. Do what makes you happy, do things that come naturally to you, take it one step at a time if need be but begin now! That is your purpose in life!

When you accept yourself as you are and begin your journey to self-discovery, you’ll find that you begin meeting people that can help you in your journey and opportunities will come your way.

When you’re on the right path, things will fall in place and when the student is ready, the master will appear, is a saying that is true.

A few things you can do if you don’t know where to begin:

  1. Buy yourself a notebook or journal.
  2. Write down 3-5 things you are grateful for each day (the more grateful you are, the more things you’ll get to be grateful for).
  3. At the end of the day ask yourself what you love about yourself, something that you were proud that you did that day (this is a step to wiring your brain to love yourself).
  4. In your journal, write down your bucket list or goals, big and small. Make a list of 50 goals and keep adding to it and scratching out the ones when completed.
  5. Stop using negative words and phrases because your subconscious/unconscious mind is always listening and it takes it literally and thinks that’s what you want.
  6. Just as you’re drifting off to sleep, imagine you already have what you want.
  7. Be you, there is no one like you. Don’t change yourself to be someone you’re not.

Today you are you, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is you-er than you Dr. Seuss

If you need help living your best life, check out my other blogs at www.mindvasana.com or contact me at mindvasana@gmail.com for a session.

Remember spring swaps snow for leaves

Blog by: Lata Advani Viseu

“But if your strife strikes at your sleep, remember spring swaps snow for leaves” — Mumford & Sons, “Winter Winds”

Some people are happy just the way they are and are not interested in changing anything about their life.. If however, you do want to change something in your life, if you’re not happy or, if you want to be happier, then you have to shift in some way.

Once that thought crosses your mind and you do nothing consciously about it, things will start showing up for you in your life to help you move toward that change. Your unconscious mind knows that you want more and it will automatically bring you experiences that will help you grow.

It may feel uncomfortable because although you know you could be happier and you know you should do something about it, you haven’t done anything about it, so it does it to you and for you.

If you accept that nothing stays the same forever and, change is the only constant, then it gets a little easier. Think of a time when you felt at your lowest, when you thought things couldn’t get any worse and when you believed there was no way out. It did end, didn’t it? You survived and things got better.

There will be times when you feel like you have no control over things and whatever you do to make it better, it just doesn’t work. When you let go of the things you can’t control and allow yourself to feel the feelings, when you accept you’ve given it your best shot and then you let go, you’ll begin to notice things beginning to shift for the better. Remind yourself that everything comes to an end, the good, the bad and the ugly.

For the things that you can control, instead of waiting for change to happen to you, embrace it and take steps, to plan for it…or the other option is to remember…”There is no problem so big that it cannot be run away from.”…Richard Bach

Check out www.mindvasana.com if you want to book a session

Everything you’re running from is in your head

Blog by: Lata Advani Viseu

The things you worry about, the things you beat yourself up for, it’s all in your head.

Stop for a minute and ask yourself what you would say to a friend who was doing that. Would you tell her she was terrible, stupid and deserved to suffer? Or would you tell her to stop beating herself up, she was doing her best and things would get better?

What if you did just that for yourself. You’ve made mistakes, everyone has. You can’t change the past but you can learn from it. Tell yourself what you would a friend. Forgive yourself, you don’t need anyone else to do that. If you’re not happy with your life, change it.

Each new day is a chance to start over. It’s never too late to late to begin living your life the way you want to. All you need to do is decide to begin. You only have one life to live and each day that passes without changing, it’s one day less you have in your life to live your best life.

Start by changing the pictures in your head. As Marisa Peer always says, your mind only responds to two things, the pictures you paint in your head and the words that you speak. Try it, you have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

Start by writing three things you’re grateful for each day. When you start focusing on the positive things, you’ll notice that you get more of the things you’re grateful for. Picture what your ideal life would look like, write it down as if you already have it. Cut out pictures, words and stick them where you can see it. Take a picture of your vision board and put it where you can see it throughout the day. You’ll be surprised how quickly things will begin to fall into place.

Another way you can let go of limiting beliefs is by going directly past the conscious mind and straight to the unconscious (subconscious) mind to make permanent changes without you getting in your own way. Hypnosis gets past that critical faculty, where you can make long lasting changes quickly. Try it, hypnosis is not mind control.

Check out my website www.mindvasana.com to read the myths about hypnosis and learn how effective hypnosis can be in helping you live your best life.

The trouble is, you think you have time

Blog by: Lata Advani Viseu

The trouble is, you think you have time – fake Buddha quote

Do you ever think about how much time you have left? It’s not something most people want to think about.

Are you doing what what you want to do? Are you living your best life? Do you even know what you want? Are you happy? So many questions to ask yourself!

You could make a list of things you want to do and work toward those goals and/or you could accept your life as it is and be grateful for the life you have. That would be the easiest thing to do, changing your perception.

If however, you think you have a few good years left and you want to live your best life, you could start living the life that you really want to live, now.

If you don’t know how or where to start, you may want to start by making a list of your values and then from that, find things that you enjoy doing. Things that you’re naturally good at and doesn’t feel like work. Things you could spend hours doing.

For the longest time, I didn’t know what I really wanted but I’ve grown and learnt so much more about myself in the past few years. I have an amazing family, job, friends and I’m grateful for all that I have.

Funny thing is, when I stopped worrying about things and started writing down things I was grateful for, I began getting more of the things I was grateful for! I even discovered what I really enjoy doing!

I’ve always been fascinated by the power of the mind and in fields such as hypnosis and neuroscience. The more I learn about it, I realize how powerful it is in helping people in every area of their life, whether it’s relationships, health, career, money matters, anxiety, phobias, PTSD, chronic pain or any other issue.

Although I love my job as a Director of an HR Association, I also love helping people tap into their unconscious mind to discover their potential and get rid of negative thoughts, past issues, childhood traumas that may be holding them back from living their best life. In my opinion, hypnosis is the  shortest and fastest way to do this.

My hope is to some day help refugees, men, women, children or anyone who has suffered abuse, trauma, anxiety, fears, chronic pain, PTSD and more, to resolve their issues and begin living their best lives, one person at a time.

For more information, please check out my website at www.mindvasana.com and leave a comment.

Butterflies can’t see their wings. They can’t see how truly beautiful they are…

Blog by: Lata Advani Viseu

“Butterflies can’t see their wings. They can’t see how truly beautiful they are, but everyone else can. People are like that as well.”
― Naya Rivera

This quote applies not only to physical beauty but to inner beauty as well. I believe we all have our own beautiful unique gifts to offer the world and sometimes we’re not aware of these gifts. People around us may see it and they may even tell us so, but we may not think of it as anything special because that is just who we are.

If you saw yourself through someone else’s eyes, you would realize how truly beautiful you really are. Once you become aware of your purpose, which is quite basically, what you are naturally good at, you will find that things simply fall into place. You begin to meet people, come across articles, blogs, guiding you to becoming your true (best) self. It is such a natural process and once you begin that journey, there’s nothing that can get in the way.

When you do find your true purpose, you’ll realize that it isn’t about you, it is about sharing your gift with the world in your own unique way. The saying, “The Purpose of Life Is to Discover Your Gift. The Meaning of Life Is to Give Your Gift Away,” is very true.

It could happen in a heartbeat or slowly over time but your gut will tell you that you’re on the right path. As you advance toward your goal, when it is your true purpose, everything will fall into place. There may be detours along the way, what seemed like your purpose at first may turn out to be something else as you continue on your journey.

It could be anything, like moving to a new place in a beach town and opening a little bookstore or cafe to give tourists and locals a place to relax. It could be a bed and breakfast or simply providing an opportunity for people to travel and volunteer their time doing something that is meaningful to them. It could be to teach others how to cook, invest or share what you’ve learnt, or help in many other ways.

Educating yourself and continuing to learn and grow in whatever interests you will eventually bring you to your true purpose. I believe we are all here to find our true purpose and make a difference in our own small way, one person at a time, to make this world a better place.

If you would like to learn more, please check out Mindscaping, hypnosis and read my other blogs on this website. You can also email me at mindvasana@gmail.com.




You Make Your Beliefs, Then Your Beliefs Make You

Blog by: Lata Advani Viseu

I am sure I must have heard this somewhere because it has stuck with me. “You make your beliefs, then your beliefs make you.”

If you really think about it, you’ll realize how true this is. If you believe you’re always unlucky and bad things happen to you all the time, guess what…your beliefs become your reality!

You then seem to attract all the negative things into your life. That in turn, makes you feel down and depressed, which then often times, brings about physical symptoms and you’re sick all the time. How many people do you know like that?

What if changing your belief could change your experience? Speaking from personal experience, I did just that. I changed my beliefs about many things.

I think it was around the time that my daughter, Bianca was born. I didn’t want her to grow up believing in superstitions. I didn’t want her to be afraid of the number 13 or of a black cat bringing her bad luck or any other such superstitions.

I decided I would tell her that all those things that brought bad luck to other people, brought good luck to our family. It totally changed the way I began looking at things and changed my beliefs about a lot of things.

I started seeing the good in things that happened and slowly, my life changed. Years later, I started writing down each day, things I was grateful for. The strange thing was, the more grateful I was, the more I got of those things that I was grateful for.

I cannot believe how simple this is and I keep telling people to try it and see their life change. By just writing down what you’re grateful for, you’ll begin focusing on the positive and begin attracting all that is good into your life, slowly changing your beliefs.

I hope to do my part in making this world a better place by sharing what I’ve learnt, whether through hypnosis, where it’s easier to change these beliefs or any way I can help people to change their beliefs, to live their best life.

As someone once said, “your thoughts do not create your reality, your beliefs create your reality.”

You experience what you believe!

Unconsciously Conscious

From the moment we’re born everyone is hypnotizing us. We are all, to some degree, in a trance. Our clients think we’re putting them to sleep, but our ultimate goal is the opposite. We’re trying to wake them up –  from the book, The Hypnotist’s Love Story

Think of your unconscious mind as your friend and protector. It is there to protect you from harm. It runs millions of processes every day including your bodily functions, without you consciously noticing it. Whether you’re breathing, walking, talking, sleeping, you’re not consciously thinking of it as you’re doing it, your unconscious mind is working behind the scenes, running the programs that was installed years and years ago.

As you learnt to walk and talk, you installed that program because you kept practicing and finally it became something that you did unconsciously. At other times in your life there may have been traumatic events which were installed instantly. It could be something that happened in an instant when you were little and if you look back at it now, it would probably not be traumatic. Phobias and traumas that were installed instantaneously, can be wiped out instantly through hypnosis.

Although the conscious mind directs the unconscious mind, the unconscious mind is always looking out for you. It doesn’t understand negatives so whatever you focus on, it will do its best to bring it to you. Any changes that you want to make, you can install by repeating the program, and over time, it will become a new habit.

Be aware of your thoughts and words because your unconscious mind is always listening. Think, speak and dream of the things you want, not what you don’t want. Trust your unconscious mind to do what you ask it to do, just be careful of the program you are running in the background.

The things you own end up owning you

“The things you own end up owning you” ― Chuck Palahniuk, Fight Club

The last few days, articles have been appearing on my screen relating to this quote so I thought it was a message from the universe telling me to write about it.

When you think what you have isn’t enough and you’re always looking for more, how will you know when you have enough? Will you ever make enough money to live the life you want or will you want to move to a bigger house, buy a better car, send your kids to a better school and so on?

I think the new generation are the smart ones. They want to experience things, travel to different countries, work in different cities, live closer to work so that they can spend time doing things that they enjoy doing. They refuse to be tied down to one job, one employer, mortgages, car payments etc.

People make excuses to justify why they want to own or possess things but really, whether you’re rich or poor, in the end you only need six feet or so, give or take a few. You have no clue whether you have a few days, a few months, a few years or a few decades before your time is up on this earth and unfortunately, what you own, you cannot take with you.

All you can do is leave memories and hope that you made a difference in someone’s life. Be grateful for what you have now, smile more, teach your children how to stand on their own two feet, spend time with them, they don’t need more gadgets or toys. They don’t need you to leave property for them, they need your time, your love.




Hypnosis – Kinetic Shift with Karl Smith

I spent the weekend learning the Kinetic Shift Technique with Karl Smith of the UK Hypnosis Academy, who flew in to Toronto for the workshop.

Having taken many classes with Dr. Mike Mandel and Chris Thompson, I was excited to learn that they were bringing in Karl Smith to facilitate a workshop.

Karl Smith served twelve years in the British Army and then moved into the Emergency services where he served ten years. Karl specializes in Post Trauma, Anxiety and Stress.

His story of how he got into hypnosis is quite interesting and started with a teen drunk driver running over him. It eventually led Karl to develop a system that deals with PTSD and other issues rapidly.

The more I learn about hypnosis, the more I wonder why it isn’t mainstream as yet. There is still that fear that hypnosis is mind control. If only people knew how hypnosis works  and how quickly you can make profound changes in your life and get rid of traumas and phobias, you would be amazed.

All hypnosis is self hypnosis, the Hypnotist/Hypnotherapist facilitates the session to get to you to that state where you can make those changes/shifts without your conscious mind getting in the way.

People spend thousands of dollars on trying to fix the body when in reality it is the internal, subconscious/unconscious mind that controls everything. Hypnosis helps get rid of all the garbage accumulated over the years.

Being hypnotized and hypnotizing others in the classroom to make kinetic shifts using Karl’s techniques was an amazing experience. Thanks Karl!

What you seek is seeking you – Rumi

Focus on something, whether it’s a particular word, thing, person or topic and you’ll find that you’ll see it or something relating to it everywhere and this has always been the case, way before Google or Facebook feeds!

I remember many times I would wish that I wouldn’t run into a particular person and undoubtedly, that would be the one person I’d run into. Ever shopped for a camera or a car and you notice it everywhere, on billboards, in magazines, overhear people talking about it?

The Reticular Activating System or the RAS gets activated every time you focus on something intently. The RAS is the attention center in the brain and t takes instructions from your conscious mind and passes them on to your subconscious.

It took me many years to finally understand and consciously make a decision to focus on the things that I wanted for my life instead of worrying and not expecting the best outcome, just in case I was disappointed.

As soon as I changed my focus and started writing down daily, the things that I was grateful for and focusing on positive thoughts, I noticed that I began to receive more of what I was grateful for. It was so simple! The more that I focused on the things that I wanted, the more I got of it.

Your mind and thoughts are so powerful and many books have been written about them but until you are ready and open to receiving the message, you will not even notice it and simple yet powerful messages will be just words on a page.

Once you open your heart and train your mind to focus on the positive, you will notice simple but powerful messages everywhere.

What you seek will be seeking you.


We Beieve What We Believe

We believe what we believe because of our parents and caretakers. We really don’t have a choice when we’re young, when it comes to religion. Whether we’re Hindu, Muslim, Jewish or Catholic, we automatically identify with whatever religion our parents practice.

For the longest time, I identified myself as a Hindu although I am not religious. I would occasionally (once a year) go to a temple here in Toronto. Every time I ate a Big Mac or a steak, I would feel guilty because the cow is considered holy in Hinduism. It was as if there was a voice in my head telling me I was being a bad Hindu.

With all the atrocities being committed in the name of religion, it made me question my beliefs. It was only recently that it came to me that if I changed what I believed I wouldn’t have to feel guilty anymore! It had nothing to do with anyone or any religion. All I needed to do was believe something different and I could do as I pleased instead of locking myself in a self-imposed prison.

I believe John Lennon got it right when he wrote “Imagine”, his lyrics ring true to me:

Imagine there’s no heaven

It’s easy if you try

No hell below us

Above us, only sky

Imagine all the people living for today

Imagine there’s no countries

It isn’t hard to do

Nothing to kill or die for

And no religion, too

Imagine all the people living life in peace…

This is my anthem now and I do believe in a higher power, in the power of the mind, in the power of connection and love. I release myself from all organized religions and I feel free.


Is Reality Just Perception?

Each one of us lives in our own reality and who is to say which one of us is right?

Take for example, our Canadian Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau who believes in welcoming those that are fleeing persecution, terror & war while at the same time, in the United States, Donald Trump is closing his borders to those fleeing persecution, terror & war.

The refugee situation is the same, however, one believes in compassion and the other in instilling fear. There are thousands who support each of them. Depending on your own perception of reality, you agree with one or the other.

So what makes people believe one way or the other?

I believe, those that live in fear, believe in scarcity and usually tend to expect the worst.

It’s up to the compassionate ones, the grateful ones, the ones who believe we are all born equal, to do what they can in their own small way, whether it’s by protesting injustices around the world, sponsoring a refugee or giving money to a cause.

You can choose your own reality and begin to notice that if you choose to be fearful, you’ll draw more things to be fearful of into your life.

If you choose to be grateful, you’ll notice that you get more things to be grateful for…so my friends, change your perception and see your reality change.

Below are a few quotes that you may enjoy:

“Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one.” – Albert Einstein

“Humans see what they want to see.” ― Rick RiordanThe Lightning Thief

 “The world is full of magic things, patiently waiting for our senses to grow sharper.”
― W.B. Yeats

“Change the way you look at things and the things you look at change.” ― Wayne W. Dyer

“The older you get, the more you understand how your conscience works. The biggest and only critic lives in your perception of people’s perception of you rather than people’s perception of you.” ― Criss JamiKillosophy

Seventeen – just a number?

For the longest time, I would avoid doing anything important on the 17th of a month. My youngest sister, Anita (Baby as we called her) died on the 17th when she was just 15 years old, my Dad too passed away on the 17th, so it probably isn’t hard to understand that I may have had some issues with the number 17.

When Louie and I were getting married, I insisted that we get married on the 16th (Friday) instead of the 17th because of my fear of something bad happening if we were married on the 17th. I avoided doing many things on the 17th and avoided the number 17 whenever I could. The number 17 was to me what the number 13 is to many people, unlucky.

Then suddenly one day, it may have been around the time my daughter, Bianca was born, I decided that the number 17 was going to be lucky for me. I didn’t want her to be influenced by superstitions which could potentially stop her from living her best life. Not only was 17 going to be lucky but anything that was generally thought to be unlucky, would be lucky for me and her. All those old superstitions that held me back at times, now worked in my favour!

By switching from unlucky to lucky, my life changed forever! Good things started to happen to me and when I added gratitude to this, my life became even better. I became more positive and more happier. I think I am now the luckiest person on earth and, as I learn and grow each day, I realize that perception really is everything. So if you think 17 is unlucky or lucky, it is.

Whatever your unlucky, you have the ability to change it to lucky, all you need to do is decide to change your perception of the thing. Reality really is just perception. Give it a try.

Anchors Aweigh

Anchoring can be used in NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) and Hypnosis to trigger a positive emotional state. If you establish a trigger successfully, you can reproduce that emotion later.

Have you ever wondered why certain smells bring you back to a time in your past or remind you of a person or an event? This can be either a positive memory or a negative one.

The easiest and quickest way to deliberately anchor positive emotional states is, in hypnosis. Relax, breathe deeply and recall an activity that you enjoy. Really get into that moment, feel the feelings of being in that activity, feel the joy. As you are experiencing that joyful feeling, anchor it by touching your thumb and ring finger together. Add to it other happy memories and continue to anchor the feelings.

You can keep anchoring each time you experience a happy feeling and you will notice that in challenging time, when you bring your thumb and ring finger together, you immediately get that positive feeling that you anchored earlier.

Give it a shot and see how it works for you.





Words Matter

Words do matter, people! If you have little kids, be very careful with the words you use.

What happens when you tell a child, don’t spill the milk, the child inadvertently spills the milk. A child’s critical faculty isn’t developed until after 6-8 years of age.

The unconscious mind doesn’t know the difference between “do and”don’t”, it hears spill the milk. If you want your children to grow up to be positive, happy and confident, instead of telling them what not to do, tell them what you want them to do. Be careful with the milk instead of don’t spill the milk.Keep using positive words to encourage positive behaviours.

The unconscious mind is absorbing millions and millions of things going on around us although we may be aware of only a few things consciously. When parent argue about money in front of kids, thinking that the children are young and will not understand, their young unconscious mind is actually absorbing all the information. This can seriously damage a child’s well-being and the child can grow up unable to handle their finances.

Imagine the impact television and video games are having on our children. By being aware of how the unconscious mind is being affected, adults can at least make some effort to choose what their children are watching.