Writing Right – Graphology

It was an eye opener taking a course in handwriting analysis and learning that it is not the hand that writes but the brain. Studying with Dr. Mike Mandel is always an amazing experience. According to him, the writing never lies!

I have been practicing my new skills and, people are surprised how accurate the analysis has been for them. I’ve made a few changes to my writing to add traits like creativity and willpower.

It is interesting to learn from a person’s writing whether they are optimistic or pessimistic, whether the person has a temper, is impulsive or in fact the opposite is true.

Graphology would sure come in handy when looking for a business partner or when selecting a babysitter. Something to consider the next time you want to bring in a new person into your life.

Graphotherapy is the ultimate self-therapy says Dr. Mike Mandel so I shall continue to improve my handwriting!

More than a stage show

This July, my husband, Louie and I went on our first cruise ever and, one of the many highlights for me on the cruise was the comedy show featuring the Mesmerizing Brenda Kaye.
It is a different experience when you know exactly what is going on. You can relax and observe and chuckle when the audience is mesmerized at what the hypnotist is able to make participants do. Although I was observing the show with experienced eyes, it still fascinated me at the things Brenda was able to make participants do. It is amazing how strong and effective hypnosis can be and, although many people only see it as a stage show, there is so much more to it.


For those who are ready and open to experiencing being hypnotized, there is so much that you can change in your life in a short period of time. The only things that holds people back are fear and doubt. Those of us who have experienced being hypnotized and have hypnotized subjects, know how effective it can be.


In my experience so far, every hypnotist, hypnotherapist that I have met or connected with through MMHA (Mike Mandel Hypnosis Academy), has been extremely generous in sharing their knowledge and providing feedback when requested. I am honoured to be part of this family that is trying to help people overcome problems/issues and help people live their best lives. Dr. Mike Mandel, Chris Thompson (his business partner) and the many other students that have trained with them in-person and online, are people that I can go to for advice.


Some day people will realize how powerful the mind is and how powerful Hypnosis and Mindscaping can be in changing lives. Till then, my fellow storm riders and I will continue to help as many people as we can.
To experience Mindscaping (via Skype) email mindvasana@gmail.com.


Dr. Mike Mandel describes MINDSCAPING as a powerful method to rapidly induce massive internal shifts in a person. It can be conducted content-free to ensure privacy or with full disclosure.  MINDSCAPING allows you to access your internal map to make profound changes by tapping into your unconscious mind. The shifts can be deep and long lasting. You will notice changes and shifts that will continue for days after the session. MINDSCAPING can be done in-person or virtually.

MINDSCAPING can be used for:

  • Increasing motivation
  • Immune system support
  • Letting go of the past
  • Breaking free from depression
  • Moving from pessimism to optimism
  • Reducing negative emotions
  • Resolving conflict
  • Increasing creativity
  • Determining the “real” issues
  • Creating a better future
  • Becoming more confident
  • Releasing stress
  • Letting go of fears
  • And much more!

Dispelling Myths About Hypnosis

Myth #1: Intelligent people can’t be hypnotized. Only the mentally weak can be hypnotized.

Fact: In fact the exact reverse is probably, more true. The higher your intelligence and the stronger your self-control, the more easily you are hypnotized. That’s because entering a hypnotic trance is all about concentrating. Those who have a capacity for creativity and vivid imagination usually make the best subjects.

However finding it hard to enter a hypnotic state doesn’t mean there’s anything wrong with you. People naturally vary in how susceptible they are to hypnosis. Studies have shown that around 30% of people are relatively resistant to being hypnotized. Although with effort, the state can usually be achieved eventually.

Myth #2: The Hypnotist will be able to control my mind.

Fact: No one can control your mind, unless you let them. Your Hypnotherapist will give you suggestions that you want to be given, based on the Pre-Hypnotic Interview. At no point during your session will you lose control of your mind. If you hear a suggestion that you don’t agree with, or don’t understand, your subconscious mind will automatically reject it.

Myth #3: I will be made to perform embarrassing acts, such as bark like a dog, or walk like a duck.

Fact: This assumption is based on Stage Hypnotism and Hollywood fiction. The truth is, these people volunteer to act on stage, and thy allow themselves to participate in silly suggestions. Hypnotherapy is a serious process of self-improvement, not entertainment.

Myth #4: When Hypnotized, I will lose all sense of my surroundings, and will have no memory of the session.

Fact: Hypnosis is not an unconscious state of sleep. In fact, most people report having a heightened sense of awareness, concentration and focus, and can even hear more acutely during a session.

Myth #5: Hypnosis comes from “Black Magic” or is “Supernatural”.

Fact: Hypnosis is a natural state that has been studied scientifically. Hypnotherapists are not Psychics with special powers. Hypnotherapy is based on many years of clinical research by famous Psychologists such as Dr. Sigmund Freud and Dr. Carl Jung, and more recently, by Dr. Milton Erikson and Dr. John Kappas.

Myth#6: If I become Hypnotized, I may not be able to snap out of it, or Hypnosis is dangerous, a person can get stuck in a trance forever.

Fact: No one has ever been stuck in a hypnotic trance. Hypnosis is very safe and is in fact, a state of hyper-awareness. Any time there is an emergency, a person would naturally be able to come out of the Hypnotic state by opening their eyes, and stretching or speaking. If the hypnotist fails to emerge someone from hypnosis, he/she will return to a fully alert state on their own. Depending on that person’s need for sleep, he/she will either drift on into a natural sleep or simply emerge to full consciousness spontaneously within minutes.

When in the state of hypnosis, our brainwaves vacillate through the Alpha to Theta ranges. Any time you choose to emerge from hypnosis, for any reason, you are able to simply open your eyes and become fully alert. If you were practicing self-hypnosis before going to bed and ended in the Delta state, then it would mean you’d simply fall asleep.

Myth #7: Some people can’t be hypnotized.

Fact: Although some researchers and clinicians claim that some people are not able to be hypnotized, everyone has the ability to be hypnotized because it’s a natural, normal state that each of us enter at least twice each day – upon awakening and falling asleep. We also enter a hypnotic state whenever we get totally engrossed in a movie or TV show. Whenever we are driving and daydreaming enough to miss a turn or highway exit we know to take, we probably were experiencing a light state of hypnosis.

People may have this misconception because of an unsuccessful experience they’ve had with a hypnotist.  People are responsive to different approaches, and if a particular approach has not been successful in the past, it’s a matter of finding the way that works best for them. Hypnotherapists/Hypnotists have several techniques that they can use, and are trained to find a method that will work best for you.

Myth #8: Hypnosis is a miracle cure.

Fact: While Hypnosis is a relatively quick method of making permanent improvements, there is no such thing as a one-time miracle cure. Every individual makes progress at his or her own rate.

Myth #9: Hypnosis is a great tool to get someone to confess.

Fact: Hypnotherapy sessions are kept private and cannot be used for court testimony. It is not an alternative to lie detector tests. Hypnosis cannot force anyone to tell the truth or to confess.

Myth #10: You can be hypnotized to do things against your will

Fact: The hypnosis practitioner is merely a guide or facilitator. He/she cannot make you do anything against your will. In fact, during a hypnotic session, you are completely aware of everything going on. In other words, if you do not like where the hypnotist is guiding you, you have the power to reject the suggestions.

Myth #11: Under hypnosis you will always tell the truth and could even reveal personal secrets

Fact: You can lie under hypnosis just as easily as in the waking state. In fact, as hypnosis gives you greater access to unconscious resources, you may even be able to tell more creative lies when in trance. Additionally, you are in complete control of what you chose to reveal or conceal.

Myth #12:  I won’t remember anything the hypnotist says.

Fact: Everyone experiences hypnosis differently, for some it’s a state in which you are focused on the hypnotists’ words and listening more carefully, for others it’s a little more like day dreaming and your attention may drift and wander from one thought to another, sometimes not paying any conscious attention to what the hypnotist is saying.  Either way is okay, and neither will be more or less effective than the other. It’s simply a matter of your own personal style.

Myth #13: Hypnosis is sleep

Fact: People look like they’re asleep when they’re hypnotized because their eyes are closed and they’re peaceful. But they’re not asleep. The brain waves of a person who is hypnotized are nothing like those of a person who is asleep. In fact the hypnotic trance is a heightened state of concentration. A high level of alpha waves on an EEG, show that a hypnotized person is awake, alert and very responsive.

Myth #14: Hypnosis is contrary to religious beliefs

Fact: Hypnosis can be used to ease or remove pain, overcome fears, phobias, addiction and other problems.  While a handful of religious sects have raised objections to hypnosis, today most religious groups accept the proper ethical use of hypnosis for helping people. Included are Roman Catholic, Orthodox, and most Protestant Christian Churches as well as Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism and others.  Hypnosis is not associated with any of the world religions. A professional and ethical hypnotist respects the faith of clients and will not use it inappropriately to influence a person’s religious beliefs.

Myth #15: Hypnosis isn’t an effective modality.

Fact: A Comparison Study Shows: “Psychoanalysis: 38% recovery after 600 sessions.
Behavior Therapy: 72% recovery after 22 sessions. Hypnotherapy: 93% recovery after 6 sessions” Source: American Health Magazine

What is Hypnosis?

Hypnosis is a state of inner absorption, concentration and focused attention. It is like using a magnifying glass to focus the rays of the sun and make them more powerful. Similarly, when our minds are concentrated and focused, we are able to use our minds more powerfully. Because hypnosis allows people to use more of their potential, learning self-hypnosis is the ultimate act of self-control – American Society of Clinical Hypnosis.

Why hypnosis?

My interest in hypnosis and positive psychology began a long time ago. I was always drawn to the self-help or health and wellness sections of bookstores for books that taught how one could make positive changes effectively and quickly.

Hypnosis has always fascinated me and in the past I’ve attended workshops, read books on hypnosis, seen hypnosis shows and looked into learning more about it.

I had my own misconceptions of hypnosis. At one time, I even thought that it was something supernatural or to do with black magic! I always wanted to learn more about it so I contacted a few hypnosis training schools but they just did not feel like the right one for me.

One day, I came across the Architecture of Hypnosis program in 2015, a comprehensive course taught at St. Michael’s College, University of Toronto, by six-time award winning hypnotist Dr. Mike Mandel and, chills ran down my spine because I immediately knew this was the right training for me.

Mike Mandel’s training has taught me how to connect with a subject’s unconscious mind and cause rapid, positive change in many areas, including fears, behavioural problems, pain management, etc.

His MINDSCAPING training has taught me how to access someone’s unconscious mind, providing a simple, but incredibly powerful methodology for both personal insight and rapid change.

Since completing the prestigious The Architecture of Hypnosis Master Course, I have helped dozens of family members and friends tap their unconscious minds to bring about positive changes in their lives.

My mission is to help as many people as I can with what I have learnt, to be their best self. After seeing so many wonderful outcomes, I am surprised that hypnosis is not used more widely.