Good thing, bad thing, who knows

Blog by: Lata Advani Viseu

“Every inch of sky’s got a star
Every inch of skin’s got a scar
I guess that you’ve got everything now
Every inch of space in your head
Is filled up with the things that you read
I guess you’ve got everything now
And every film that you’ve ever seen
Fills the spaces up in your dreams
That reminds me
(Everything now
Everything now)”

Everything Now – Arcade Fire

We have access to everything now and yet there are days when you find it so hard to appreciate what you have. I consider myself a positive person and usually see the bright side of things but yesterday was rough.

I rarely ever feel so down but yesterday was one of those days. I was feeling sick, sneezing and coughing and so I took a day off from work. All I could think was, is this all there is to life? Same thing every day, the never ending winter, I need some sun and warm ocean air. I honestly did try talking myself out of the negative thoughts but it just wasn’t working for me yesterday.

Finally in the afternoon, I couldn’t take it anymore so I put on earphones, some loud Latin dance music and, that changed everything. You can’t help moving to the beat! In a little while, I began to feel a lot better.

It’s so easy to spiral down in misery when you go down that path. You have to find a way to get out of it in whatever way works for you. For some, it may be by working out, yoga, dancing, talking to friends, listening to motivational speakers or even watching some funny shows or movies.

The thing I know for sure is that the more you focus on the negative, the more you seem to attract it. I really needed to come out of that negative state so I told myself what I tell others…that all negative situations, experiences always seem to have a flipside. It could be a lesson learnt or a better opportunity or something that needs to change.

I am actually one of the lucky ones who has (knock on wood) a wonderful life that I am truly grateful for. I have a wonderful husband and daughter, great relationships, good health, a good job, roof over my head and the resources to go on vacations a couple of times a year and, opportunities to learn and grow. What more can I ask for?

When I was younger and didn’t know better, I felt that I didn’t have any control and played the victim. When I finally learnt that by changing my thoughts and my beliefs I could change my life, I began attracting all good things without much effort. The more grateful I was for things I already had, the more I got of those things!

Life is unpredictable and you never really know… good thing? bad thing? who knows?

Find your way to get back quickly to that happy positive state by changing your thoughts and beliefs. It is normal to feel sad and other emotions but it is not healthy to stay to long in that state.

For ways to get to a positive state, please check out some of my older blogs and feel free to share with others that need to hear the message.

For the story behind “Good thing, bad thing, who knows”, you can find it on the internet.

“Don’t worry about a thing, every little thing is gonna be alright.” – Bob Marley

“Sometimes the things we can’t change end up changing us” – anonymous
“We choose our joys and sorrows long before we experience them.”
Khalil Gibran

“Life reflects back your own thoughts back to you” – Napolean Hill

4 thoughts on “Good thing, bad thing, who knows

  1. Tom Walters says:

    Very insightful message Lata. I continue to admire your intelligence to speak to the awareness of the source of a potential negative spiral…..and the ability to think strategically to switch to a more positive mood. Thank you for sharing.
    Tom Walters

  2. Britt says:

    Well said.! I am also a positive thinker but of course there are those negative moods and thoughts that come around sometimes. It’s good to have the tools to get ourselves out of a downward spiral.

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