Life Is Simple and Some Days You Have To Create Your Own Sunshine

“I was lying on the grass on Sunday morning of last week
Indulging in my self-defeat
My mind was thugged all laced and bugged all twisted wrong and beat
Uncomfortable in three feet deep”
Steal My Sunshine – Len

When things are going smoothly for me, I find that life is simple and easy to navigate.

Every now and then when I find myself feeling sad or a little down, I have discovered ways to help me get out of it without wallowing in self pity for too long.

It is okay to feel the emotions and sit with it for a while when you are feeling down. Cry if you must then look for ways to get yourself out of the negative situation.

Go for a walk to clear your head, listen to upbeat music and dance. Watch a funny show or movie, write down your feelings in your journal, do anything that you enjoy doing, or call a friend.

To help me feel better, I think of little things that I am grateful for and I remind myself that I am responsible for my own happiness. I tell myself that it is not important what happens to me but how I react to any situation. That this too shall pass because nothing lasts forever.

I find that listening to guided meditations when I first wake up, doing a little bit of yoga, and writing down my thoughts and setting my intentions for the day, help me start the day right.

I used to think that people who woke up before 6:00 am were insane! Now, I automatically wake up around 5:00 am without setting the alarm and love the time I have to relax and do all the things I want to do before starting work.

Little steps that I take every day keep me focused. It will be five years next month since I created and committed to writing a monthly blog. I have not missed a single month of writing. I will have written 60 blogs as of May 2021.

Every night before you go to sleep, think back on your day and honour the things that went well and think of the things that you are proud of so that you can begin to focus on the positive things in your life and in turn attract more of it.

Life can be so simple if we focus on the present moment. We cannot change the past and we have no control really of the future. The only thing we have is this moment which will in an instant become the past.

The more you spend time in the present feeling happy and being grateful, the more chances you will attract more of it in the future. Keep it simple.

“A happy man is too satisfied with the present to dwell too much on the future.” – Albert Einstein

“Be happy in the moment, that’s enough. Each moment is all we need, not more.” — Mother Teresa

“The perfected future never arrives. Life is full of seemingly endless trouble, and then life ends. Find peace in the imperfect present.” —The Stoic Emperor

Don’t grieve. Anything you lose comes round in another form.” —Rumi

One thought on “Life Is Simple and Some Days You Have To Create Your Own Sunshine

  1. Edith MacLellan says:

    Hi Lata:
    Thank you once again for the wonderful words. I am reading this just as I begin my day and I know that it is going to help me stay positive this day. We are feeling a little down in Nova Scotia, as our covid numbers are ticking up. We have new restrictions in place as of yesterday. However, we will get to the other side of this sooner or later. Blessings to you and your family.

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