A Brilliant Ball of Clay

Blog by: Lata Advani Viseu

Everybody is Kung Fu fighting,
Your mind becomes fast as lightning
Although the future is a little bit frightening
(Little bit frightening)
It’s the book of your life that you’re writing
(Life that you’re writing)

You’re a diamond in the rough,
A brilliant ball of clay.
You could be a work of art,
If you just go all the way.

Kung Fu Fighting – Carl Douglas

I love when I come across songs that I have not heard in years. Nostalgia hits and takes me back in time. I find myself looking for meaning in songs, as if waiting for some sort of a message.

Some songs remind us that we are all diamonds in the rough, a brilliant ball of clay that needs to be chipped away so that we can turn out to be works of art.

We were born perfect, we knew exactly what we wanted and what we had to do. We instinctively cried when we were hungry or in pain, we smiled when we were happy and loved, we were perfect just being us.

As we grew older, our parents, teachers, care-givers and society instilled in us their views of what was right and wrong, how to feel and act and slowly, we were moulded to fit in our environment.

Whatever we learnt from birth to seven years of age was forever imprinted in our subconscious.
It laid down the foundation of how we interacted with the world.

We continued with life, expecting to live on forever, wanting more and more. Then one day we realized, we have less years ahead of us than behind us. Every moment we are gifted is a moment less we have remaining. That is when we start realizing what is important to us in life.

Many of you, like me, probably have also realized that you cannot be truly happy when one area of your life is going great but you have neglected another area of your life. I have come to the realization that balance in every area of life is key to living a happy life.

When you come to that realization, you already know what you need to do. It is so simple and yet so hard to do. It is the daily routines that add up to the big things you want to achieve.

The other thing that I have realized, is that, our thoughts become things. Every thought you think, releases some type of chemical. When you think positive thoughts, when you are happy and optimistic, the brain produces serotonin which creates a feeling of well-being.

Jealousy, anger, hate and other negative thoughts and emotions, increases cortisol levels and influences our immune system in a negative way. When you come to this realization, you become more aware of your thoughts and begin to pay attention to your mind-set.

I find whatever I focus on, I get more of, so I choose to think positive thoughts. When a negative thought crosses my mind, I acknowledge that feeling and then try and see the positive in the situation as soon as I can.

Good relationships are important and once you accept that we are all different, it is easy to get along and accept others just as they are without judgement.

My plan is to live life focusing on the now, knowing, if I take care of today, I hopefully will not have to worry about tomorrow. After all, tomorrow is not guaranteed to anyone. We only have today.

All we have is one life to live and the sooner we realize that nothing lasts forever we can live life to the fullest in the Now.

“A man sees in the world what he carries in his heart.” –  Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe

“The mind is everything.  What you think you become.” – Buddha

Life is 10% what happens to us and 90% how we react to it.” – Dennis P. Kimbro

“Once you replace negative thoughts with positive ones, you’ll start having positive results.” – Willie Nelson


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