Sweet Smell of Your Perfume

Blog by: Lata Advani Viseu

“Hey, where did we go?
Days when the rains came
Down in the hollow
Playin’ a new game
Laughin’ and a-runnin’, hey, hey
Skippin’ and a-jumpin’
In the misty morning fog with
Our, our hearts a-thumping and you
My brown-eyed girl
And you, my brown-eyed girl”

Brown Eyed Girl – Van Morrison

Certain smells, songs, words or images trigger us and take us back to the exact place when we first experienced that moment. If it was a happy memory, it lifts our spirit and makes us happy. If it was a bad experience then it could trigger us in a negative way.

There are certain people too that trigger us or we trigger them. It could be your mother, father, child, colleague or sibling. Anything they say makes you instinctively respond in a way that you would not respond to anyone else that way.

It could be a subconscious trigger that we are unaware of or past traumas that we have not dealt with. When we change our perception and realize that what people say and do is not in our control and that we can only control our own reactions, then we can find ways so that people no longer trigger us.

“Take a deep breath, resist the urge to act impulsively, name how you feel, put your ego aside, think through the consequences then respond.” Dr. Weiss.

Even just taking a deep breath and naming what you feel will slow down your impulsive response. For deep unconscious/subconscious changes hypnosis works very well.

Nothing anyone says or does is about us. People only respond from where they are at, what they are dealing with and feeling at the moment.

Every thought you have affects your cells in a positive or negative way. The mind and body are both connected. If you eat healthy and workout but are negative, judgemental or pessimistic, studies have shown that it can affect your health in a negative way. The more positive associations you make, the happier you will be.

Listen to music, do things you enjoy, accept everyone as they are, see the good in people, expect the best, count your blessings, appreciate yourself and just be happy. Life is too short to be anything else. We only have a finite amount of time here on earth in this physical body. Live it to the fullest!

“You will be amazed at how things magically fall into place when you let go of the illusion of control.” – TheMindsJournal

“When you focus on the good, the good gets better.” – Motivational Life

“Whatever is triggering you, is on you.” – Richie Norton

3 thoughts on “Sweet Smell of Your Perfume

  1. Anjuli says:

    You will be amazed at how things magically fall into place when you let go of the illusion of control.” – this is mirrored in my recent internalising of ” the Universe always has my back”😊
    Thanks Lata for your ge reminder ….

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