Living in a World of Smoke and Mirrors

Blog by: Lata Advani Viseu

Deep in my heart, deep in my mind
Take me away, take me away
This is my word, dream maker, life taker
Open up my mind

All I believe, is it a dream
That comes crashing down on me?
All that I hope, is it just smoke and mirrors?
I wanna believe, oh But all that I hope, is it just smoke and mirrors?

Smoke and Mirrors – Imagine Dragons

We are all living in a world of smoke and mirrors. What is real and what is false? Have you ever wondered how many different versions there are of you out there?

You, like me, I am sure, behave differently when you are happy than when you are afraid, sick, tired or even hungry. Whatever you are feeling at that moment is, metaphorically speaking, the one answering the front door and reacting to the situation at hand.

It’s a different version of you in front when you are doing something you enjoy and a totally different you when it is a task that you hate doing.

You are likely different when you are with a friend than when you are interacting with your boss or with your parents or with a stranger. So, which one is the real you?

The many versions of you that you show the world, are all you, but it is all a smoke and mirrors game that we play according to our beliefs, perceptions and intentions.

Every person that you interact with sees a different version of you too because of their own perceptions and beliefs.

Generally speaking, we are all a little bit of everything. Some may love us while others may loathe us depending on our interactions with them and their perceptions of us.

We are all flawed and instead of seeing each other as human, sometimes we tend to judge each other for maybe something someone said or did at a moment in their lives but that’s no longer true or something they believe anymore.

People change and grow and learn all the time. We waste precious time and emotions being and staying angry instead of trying to accept that not everyone shares our point of view and that does not mean they are all bad.

As we grow and mature and evolve, we realize that life is too short to waste, to hate, judge and control. We only have a finite amount of time on this earth and then we are gone from this physical realm, so leave good vibes and memories for those who cross your path. Forgive and forget the petty conflicts and let go of your ego.

We were meant to be happy and although we cannot control anyone else, we always have a choice of how we react because that is the only thing we can control.

Once you integrate all the different parts that make up “You”, you can choose who you want answering your front door because you are in control of you.

“Everything is about belief, whatever we believe rules our existence, rules our life” – Don Miguel Ruiz

“The more I see, the less I know for sure.” – John Lennon

“Everything that irritates us about others can lead us to an understanding of ourselves.” – ― Carl Gustav Jung

“Humans see what they want to see.” – Rick Riordan, The Lightning Thief

“The outer world is a reflection of the inner world. Other people’s perception of you is a reflection of them; your response to them is an awareness of you.” – Roy T. Bennett

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